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Winners - Underwater Photography Contests

April 2021 Photo Contest Winner and Review




WINNER: Sturgeon in the overflight by Markus Schmidt

Wow! A record breaking month with loads of incredible images, both macro and wide angle, from all around the world. 

When judging any underwater photography competition, the first thing I do is ask of each image: Is it in focus? The main subject has to be pin sharp. Is it exposed correctly?

I then look at lighting (photography is all about light) and composition. Backscatter, hot spots of light, messy backgrounds: all might see your image lose out.

Then there are other considerations that might get you knocked out of the first round: Was the image taken underwater? After all it is an underwater photography competition! Were any animals distressed or harassed to get the image? Was any environmental damage done to get the shot?

Once I have whittled out the images that do not pass these criteria, it is time to get down to picking a winner. A shot that makes me go wow – I wish I had taken that!

Alas I cannot discuss each and every image but here are a few that caught my eye and why:

Waiting for my next client by Wendy Biscette: Lovely shallow depth of field in this image helps the subjects stand out.

Underwater couple by Cor Kuyvenhoven: Lovely atmospheric image of two underwater models shot in the temperate waters of the Netherlands. The lighting makes it.

Ghost Diving lost fishing nets by Cor Kuyvenhoven: I love this image because it sows the great work that many divers are involved in – trying to clean up discarded fishing nets that continue to kill long after they have been abandonded.

Mating mandarin fish by Donna Lim: This image has a dream-like quality. The fish seem to glow! I know just how hard capturing this moment can be – well done.

Cardinal fish with eggs by Donna Lim: Super portrait of a Cardinalfish mouth brooding. Capturing a behaviour like this is a real bonus and the head on shot is just super.

Wave by Nicolai Posininsky: A super image clearly demonstrating the power of the ocean.

🙂 by Nicolai Posininsky: Lovely light on this shoaling fish. I can just imagine being there (and really wish I was right now!)

Pike in a bavarian lake by Matej Miskovic: Loveoly shot – I like the fact you can see both the bottom of the lake and the surface. The subject is turning and is nicely lit.

Home Sweet Home by Shinto K Anto: Lovely blur effect around the bottle and its inhabitant. The yellow really stands out and the focus is perfect.

Sunk Ecosystem by Christian Llewellyn: Love the fact the so many fish make this old wreck their home. Lovely natural light coming through the structure.

The Dart by Brandon Hannan: Love the diagonal orientation of this beautiful but deadly octopus. The black background make the warning colouration really stand out.

Sunburst by Brandon Hannan: A really super silhouette image of a turtle. The sunburst is amazing.

Flying flatworm by Sutheera Mora. The ripples in the sand behind the subject really make this shot.

How Ornate by Matthew Pearson: A fantastic shot of an Ornate Ghost Pipefish. Love the position of the subject with the blue of the cave opening behind it.

Through the rays by Giacomo Antonio Rossi: What an amazing sight! Sun rays and Devil Rays in perfect harmony.

Beards by Aldo Galante: A stunning portrait showing the battle scars left behind on this poor clownfish. Bravo!

Underwater Eight legged freak by Dixon Cogal: Striking image of a common subject. The delicate lighting really makes it stand out from the crowd.

Lights in the dark by Maria Bereozka: Love this image. The beautiful pattern of the eagle ray and the hint of the shape of the ray swimming away, all in black and white, make this stand out.

The Magical Melibe Leonina by Alison Smith: I would love to see one of these! Such a bizarre creature, well positioned on a frond of kelp with the green water behind.

Sturgeon in the overflight by Markus Schmidt: I love the clouds in the background of this image, visible through Snell’s Window. The divers adds to the image too and the angle, from below, of the sturgeon is really striking.

Gray sea puppy by Brian Weber: Adorable portrait of this young seal that works really well in black and white. Lovely eye-contact and a mass of whiskers.

Down the rabbit hole by Gustavo Padillla: This image really makes the viewer feel like they are right behind the diver enjoying exploring the cenotes.

Mollusk Without A Shell by Lloyd Bond: Lovely nudibranch portrait. Clean, with a black background, beautifully lit, really jumps out.

Flamingo tongue by Jan Leya: I love the blue background and the lighting – it gives the shot of a quite simple subject a really atmospheric feel. Super depth of field with the subject and the section of the gorgonian in perfect focus.

Hawksbill Portrait by MichaelG: A really imposing turtle portrait! Amazing detail and lovely eye-contact.

Happy shark by Tony Roberto Reed: A story telling shot – showing the shark, its environment and a diver taking a look. Lovely.

What are you thinking about ? by Miguel Ramirez: What a cute fish! Who could not love those huge eyes and such a grumpy face.

Black and white beauty by Miguel Ramirez: Stunning image of a moray! It fills the frame and the pattern is mesmerizing. Love this.

Freshwater shrimp in german lake by D. Loll: Really unusual image. Shrimp everywhere! Lovely focus and lighting.

Dolphins in Love by Cedric Peneau: Love the expression on the main subjects face! This must have been a great experience and the image really takes you there.

Redhead Stylophora Goby (Paragobiodon echinocephalus) by Oksana Maksymova: Super portrait of the characterful fish. Delicate lighting and great use of bokeh.

EYE see you! by Bill Passmore: This is a really stand-out image. The tones, lighting and use of depth of field are all perfect. The Catch lighting in the eye is an added bonus. Bravo!

Christmas in Ambon by Niels Prinssen: The detail in this shot is super, so much to look at and then you see the tiny fish in its hide out.

En pleine tempête / In a storm by Sylvain Corbel: Stunning nudibranch portrait. The colours are so vibrant against the black background. The motion of the water current evident. Just lovely.

Live Life in Full Bloom by Sofia Tenggrono: Perfect focus on a tiny subject. To have it isolated against the black background is amazing. To have enough of the coral in shot to give the viewer a good idea of where it was and what it was like – very impressive.

After much deliberation by our judge….

The results

Winner: Sturgeon in the overflight by Markus Schmidt

Runner-up: Flamingo tongue by Jan Leya

Third Place: EYE see you! by Bill Passmore

Highly Commended: Cardinal fish with eggs by Donna Lim & Sunburst by Brandon Hannan

Congratulations to those who were placed – there were a number of excellent images, and well done to all those that entered.’s May 2021 Underwater Photo Contest is now open! Enter as many as three of your underwater photos here.

  • Flamingo tongue by Jan Leya

  • Sunburst by Brandon Hannan

  • EYE see you! by Bill Passmore

  • Cardinal fish with eggs by Donna Lim

  • Sturgeon in the overflight by Markus Schmidt

Nick and Caroline (Frogfish Photography) are a married couple of conservation driven underwater photo-journalists and authors. Both have honours degrees from Manchester University, in Environmental Biology and Biology respectively, with Nick being a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, a former high school science teacher with a DipEd in Teaching Studies. Caroline has an MSc in Animal Behaviour specializing in Caribbean Ecology. They are multiple award-winning photographers and along with 4 published books, feature regularly in the diving, wildlife and international press They are the Underwater Photography and Deputy Editors at Scubaverse and Dive Travel Adventures. Winners of the Caribbean Tourism Organization Photo-journalist of the Year for a feature on Shark Diving in The Bahamas, and they have been placed in every year they have entered. Nick and Caroline regularly use their free time to visit schools, both in the UK and on their travels, to discuss the important issues of marine conservation, sharks and plastic pollution. They are ambassadors for Sharks4Kids and founders of SeaStraw. They are Dive Ambassadors for The Islands of The Bahamas and are supported by Mares, Paralenz, Nauticam and Olympus. To find out more visit

Winners - Underwater Photography Contests

December 2022 Photo Contest Winner and Review




WINNER: Basket star in the pure darkness by Arnaud Guillebert

Another great month full of wonderful underwater images!

When judging any underwater photography competition, the first thing I do is ask of each image: Is it in focus? The main subject has to be pin sharp. Is it exposed correctly?

I then look at lighting (photography is all about light) and composition. Backscatter, hot spots of light, messy backgrounds: all might see your image lose out.

Then there are other considerations that might get you knocked out of the first round: Was the image taken underwater? After all it is an underwater photography competition! Were any animals distressed or harassed to get the image? Was any environmental damage done to get the shot?

Once I have whittled out the images that do not pass these criteria, it is time to get down to picking a winner. A shot that makes me go wow – I wish I had taken that!

Three squid by Min seok Jeon: I love squid and this shot with three against a black background really stands out. I love the colours and shapes they create as they stretch across the frame.

Hippocampus guttulatus (Cuvier, 1829) by Marco Spoto: What a lovely scene. Great that you did not disturb the worm on taking this shot. I would have liked to have seen the subject isolated more though, losing the backscatter and seabed which can distact the eye.

Turtle in its coral garden by Claude Lespagne: What I like about this image is the snorkeler at the surface looking down on the scene. It shows that you do not have to be a diver to enjoy a stunning Red Sea scene like this one.

Ghost Goby by MichaelG: I love the colours, the expression on the goby’s face and most of all the texture of the coral. Lovely use of depth of field.

Hedgehog by Sofia Tenggrono: Great use of a snoot. You have lit up just enough of the environment to show us where this nudibranch lives, but still have highlighted the subject really well. The complimentary colours are lovely.

yellow cutie by Cedric Peneau: Lovely framing of a really cute little fish. The colours jump out from my screen.

REFLET by DIDIER PASQUINI: I like the motion in the tail and the reflection in this image of the biggest fish in the sea. I always like a bit more space in front of a fish when possible – but I know this will have been hard with a big Whale Shark.

Basket star in the pure darkness by arnaud.guillebert: This is more like a fine art image than the usual underwater imagery you see. Lovely lighting showing off the texture of this basket star.

After much deliberation by our judge….

The results

Winner: Basket star in the pure darkness by arnaud.guillebert

Runner-Up: yellow cutie by Cedric Peneau

Third: Ghost Goby by MichaelG

Highly Commended: Three squid by Min seok Jeon

Congratulations to those who were placed – there were a number of excellent images, and well done to all those that entered.’s January 2023 Underwater Photo Contest is now open! Enter as many as three of your underwater photos here.

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Winners - Underwater Photography Contests

November 2022 Photo Contest Winner and Review




WINNER: The Herd by Cedric Peneau

Another great month full of wonderful underwater images!

When judging any underwater photography competition, the first thing I do is ask of each image: Is it in focus? The main subject has to be pin sharp. Is it exposed correctly?

I then look at lighting (photography is all about light) and composition. Backscatter, hot spots of light, messy backgrounds: all might see your image lose out.

Then there are other considerations that might get you knocked out of the first round: Was the image taken underwater? After all it is an underwater photography competition! Were any animals distressed or harassed to get the image? Was any environmental damage done to get the shot?

Once I have whittled out the images that do not pass these criteria, it is time to get down to picking a winner. A shot that makes me go wow – I wish I had taken that!

Longimanus by night by Claude Lespagne: Of the three wonderful Oceanic Whitetip Shark images you entered this month, this is my favourite. The reflection on the surface is sublime and I love the way the pilot fish really catch the eye against a dark night sea.

Underwater doughnut shop? by Bill Passmore: The detail in this simple shot of a coral head is super. I love the title too!

Little frogfish, big pollution by Cedric Peneau: I always worry about images like this one. Who put that battery there? Was it a diver in order to get a shot? I hope not. What it does to well is show how tiny this beautiful frogfish is.

The Herd by Cedric Peneau: Wow! I love this shot, there is so much going on and yet the subject is still really strong in the frame.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by Sofia Tenggrono: This image really caught my eye. The focus is not what we would usually expect, but because the body and the glittering edges are the subject, it still works.

GREAT ENCOUNTER by DIDIER PASQUINI: Lovely shot that tells a story. You can imagine being this snorkeler and have an encounter of a lifetime with the biggest fish in the sea. You can imagine this image in a brochure.

Below the surface by arnaud.guillebert: These shots are so difficult to get right. This is another shot that tells a story and could grace a diving magazine. Initially you see the main shark subject, but as you spend more time, you see all the other sharks in the background.

After much deliberation by our judge….

The results

Winner: The Herd by Cedric Peneau

Runner-Up: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by Sofia Tenggrono

Third: Longimanus by night by Claude Lespagne

Highly Commended: Below the surface by arnaud.guillebert

Congratulations to those who were placed – there were a number of excellent images, and well done to all those that entered.’s December 2022 Underwater Photo Contest is now open! Enter as many as three of your underwater photos here.

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