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GTS launch online courses and scholarship programme for divers who have lost income due to COVID-19



Girls that Scuba – the world’s largest female dive community – have clubbed together with its members to offer exciting and interactive online dry courses to help support incomes and connect the dive community at this time. But don’t worry, these are not more webinars or social media live events. These courses are taught just like they would be in person and you can even come out with a new certification!

Each course is hosted by a different instructor who is a member of Girls that Scuba and has been affected by the loss of income due to COVID-19. The price of the course (minus any course fees) is split between the instructor and GTS helping the instructor stay in work and helping run the Girls that Scuba community. The courses are run every Saturday and have limited spaces.

This is an unprecedented time for the dive industry and everyone at Girls that Scuba is committed to our mission of helping women grow as a diver.

Courses currently available: view all here

9th May: Equalisation Workshop – For Scuba divers and Freedivers – Run by Argentinian sister team Lu and Cande Fabre from Amanacay Freediving this course is aimed at anyone that has ever experienced issues equalising either in freediving or scuba diving. You will learn new techniques in equalisation and understand the process more helping you more successfully equalise. £33 GBP

16th May: Journey into Marine Conservation – Project Aware Specialty Course

Run by Ellen from Dive Ninja Expeditions this dry conservation workshop will jumpstart your journey in marine conservation. Ellen is an instructor from USA that has worked in conservation projects ranging from coral to sharks and rays in some of the most abundant yet threatened regions of the world. For those that are looking to make a positive impact in their dive careers, or share their passion for the ocean in their own communities this is a great place to start. Empower yourself with the resources and tools that conservationists use to speak out for our oceans and create change, with these passionate instructors who are immersed in the field every day. £60 GBP, includes a $10 donation to project aware plus your own project aware cert card with a manta or a whale shark on it!

23rd May: Coral Identification Course – Easy Techniques for Spotting Corals

Run by coral expert Nicole Helgason the ‘coral queen’ who has her own blog dedicated to coral education, and leads coral identification presentations at numerous dive shows, and dive resorts worldwide. Whether you are a dive professional looking to increase your coral knowledge, a recreational scuba diver, or underwater enthusiasts interested in learning more about corals, this course is for you. Learning to identify corals can be a challenge, especially if your only resources are a few old ID books. This course will give you simple techniques for identifying corals and will have you seeing the reef with new eyes in no time. £37 GBP

30th May: Turtle Identification, Anatomy, Surveying Techniques and More – PADI Distinctive Specialty: Hosted by Natasha Gillespie-wong from Hong Kong who is PADI master scuba diver trainer looking to make a positive impact on the fragile underwater world! She has worked as a dive instructor and researcher in Indonesia for the last two years and is now based on the glorious island of Gili Trawangan. This course is open to anybody aged 10 and above, whether you dive, snorkel or just want to learn more about sea turtles!

You will learn in this course how to identify turtle species, sea turtle anatomy and feeding habits, mating, nesting and hatching habits, surveying techniques, threats to turtle populations and the importance of conservation plus much more. £95 includes a PADI speciality card.

Scholarship programme

Girls that Scuba has launched a scholarship programme alongside these courses to give divers the opportunity to join one of these courses free of charge – as sponsored by a dive company/brand/dive centre/diver. An application is available for anyone who has lost income in the dive industry due to the effects of COVID-19 but also for young divers who are looking to progress in diving but don’t have the funds. All divers aged from 13 years old onwards are accepted into the application process. One place on every course is guaranteed by Girls that Scuba as a sponsor and the hope is to get more sponsors in the dive industry that would be willing to sponsor an applicant. Promotion will be given during the courses by Girls that Scuba on their network of over 700,000 divers for any sponsors if wanted. Sponsors can also be anonymous and only known by the selected scholar, and can also be an individual who would like to sponsor. Sponsors will be presented with a list of scholars and can choose which one they would like to sponsor. GTS understand this is a financially difficult time and ask to only consider sponsoring if you are able to.

To apply for a scholarship (open for all dives ages 13 and above) click here.

If you are interested in sponsoring an applicant (the price is the price of the course) please contact Sarah, founder of Girls that Scuba at

If you know anyone you think would benefit from our scholarship programme (especially any young divers) please send the application on to them to apply. We really want to sponsor as many young divers as we can to further their education.

To find out more about Girls That Scuba visit their website by clicking here


EXCLUSIVE: Jeff Goodman interviews Mark Spiers, CEO of New Scuba Diving Training Agency NovoScuba




In a video recorded exclusively for, Jeff Goodman interviews Mark Spiers, CEO of new scuba diving training agency NovoScuba.

Find out more about NovoScuba at


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Charting New Waters; NovoScuba Goes Global with the Launch of their Revolutionary Dive Training Agency!




Discover a New Era of Dive Education: NovoScuba Brings Innovation to the Surface! Fully ISO Certified and Equipped with Cutting-Edge Technology. 

NovoScubaWith a combined experience spanning over a century in the diving industry, a team of accomplished dive store owners, managers, and professionals unveils NovoScuba, a ground-breaking dive training agency poised to redefine the benchmarks of underwater education. Launching in May 2024, NovoScuba promises a revolutionary approach to dive training. Their vision is to make diving accessible to everyone, share success within the dive community and emphasise positive interactions with the planet.

NovoScuba’s global debut marks a significant milestone in the dive industry. Driven by a vision to challenge convention and harness the power of technology, NovoScuba aims to revolutionise the dive training landscape through its innovative business model, which is digitally native, making it the most technologically advanced dive training agency to date.

“We recognised the need for change in the dive training industry and saw an opportunity to leverage technology, and redefine existing business models to create something truly innovative,” said Mark Spiers, CEO of NovoScuba.


NovoScuba’s platform offers state of the art training programmes ranging from introductory up to professional diving, including various specialties. All programmes meet international standards and ISO certifications are in place. This commitment to shared success, accessibility and positive results for the planet, all at a cost effective and affordable level, is what will make NovoScuba stand out.

“Our deep understanding of traditional pain points for the industry, combined with our digitally native approach positions NovoScuba as a game-changer in dive education. Offering unparalleled initiatives such as student subscription, open access to all course materials, pay as you certify, no stock required, monthly membership payments, payment in local currencies, one-click certifications, and membership freezing, NovoScuba is set to redefine the industry. Available in 13 languages, at launch, the NovoScuba courses are written for the modern divers, with a focus on up-to-date content, interactive learning, and an engaging platform,” Mark Spiers concluded.

NovoScuba is challenging a change in the industry, redefining established traditional systems, and ushering in a new standard of excellence, support, and partnership. Their collaborations with dive stores, pros and underwater enthusiasts won’t demand exclusivity, prioritising earned loyalty, and an understanding that their Member’s success is key to their own.


Diving Redefined.

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