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Fiji is known as the “Soft Coral Capital of the World” and is also home to the “Great Astrolabe Reef”. A network of brilliant coral reefs surrounds the 333 islands and atolls. With around 1000 species of fish and several hundred types of coral and sponges, Fiji offers a unique diving experience. If you feel like going beyond the beautiful reef dives venture into reef passages and come face to face with Grey Reef sharks, Silvertips, Hammerheads and White Tips. If you’d like to get to know them a bit better and at closer range, expect an adrenalin rush from what is known as the ‘Best shark dive in the world’ as you dive with the sharks observing experienced Fijian divers carry out the famous ‘shark feeding’.

If you’re looking for an amazing experience at a slightly slower pace, you can swim with the giant Manta Rays. Between May and October these elegant creatures bless the waters off Manta Ray Island with a visit. Manta Rays are one of the largest fish in the ocean – some span as big as 6.5metres. Fiji is also home to five species of turtles, the most famous being the Hawksbill Turtle, which are now a protected species. Many of the resorts now have conservation programs to look after these precious locals. The moderate water temperature makes for year-round diving and the visibility is a photographers dream. With over 4000 square miles of coral reef, Fiji Islands offer divers unparalleled marine biodiversity.

Dive Sites

Great White Wall

It gets its name because it is a perpendicular wall covered in ice coloured soft coral below 15m which keeps going deeper and deeper… and as you drift along with the slight current, the wall gets wider and whiter.

Shark Reef Marine Reserve

This is Fiji’s first Marine Park, and its completely dedicated to the conservation and research of sharks.  Here you can enjoy sightings of up to 8 different species of sharks: Tawny Nurses, Sicklefin Lemons, Grey Reefs, Blacktip Reefs, Whitetip Reefs, Silvertips, massive Bulls and the occasional Tiger… all on a single dive.

Rainbow Reef

Rainbow Reef is one of the world’s top 10 dive sites, and is the reason why Fiji is called the soft coral capital of the world.


Language: English, Fijian, Hinustani

Currency: Fijian Dollars

Dive Season:  All year round

Climate: Tropical

Air Temperature: 19°-33°C (66°-91°F)

Water Temperature: 24°-30°C (70°-80°F)

Visibility: 24 – 30 Metres

Skill Level: Beginner – Professional


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