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Blog – Miscellaneous

Blogs, Commercial Diving, Dive Training, Health & Safety, News

The contrast between surface ice and ice diving operations

By: Bo Tibbetts In many parts of the country, fall weather has arrived and winter is right around the corner. Rescue professionals must gear up…

Top jobs in Scuba Diving

By: Brittany Hadfield So you’ve gotten your first diving certification and now you’re hooked. You’re bored of your current job and you’re looking for something…

Swift Water Rescue Training for Public Safety Divers

By: Eric Brooks It is important for swift water rescue teams to practice scenarios that they will likely encounter when responding to a mission. It…

How to simulate blacked out water training

HSE SCUBA: How Important is it for a Commercial Diving Career?


Team Scubaverse

Team Scubaverse manages the Scubaverse website


Rosemary Lunn

Roz is the Founder of The Underwater Marketing Company, Co-founder of EUROTEK, and established TEKDiveUSA. She is a PADI IDC Staff Instructor, a BSAC Advanced Instructor, and a rebreather and Trimix diver. Before moving into the PR field she worked…


International Training

From its humble beginning in 1994 to today, the group of training agencies Scuba Diving International (SDI), Technical Diving International (TDI), and Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI) form one of the largest diving certification agencies in the World – International…

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