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Welcome to the Monthly Scubaverse Underwater Video Contest!

Each month, a winning video will be chosen from your entries by’s Underwater Videography editor, Jeff Goodman. Jeff will give his views on a selection of the submitted videos, offer hints, tips and advice in an effort to help you improve your underwater videography skills, and will pick his favourite video as the contest’s winner. The winning video will be added to the Underwater Video Contest Winners’ Gallery, and will also be displayed on the homepage of In addition to this, the person who submitted the winning video will receive a free digital copy of Jeff’s book ‘A Guide To Underwater Wildlife Video & Editing’.

IMPORTANT: Please follow the instructions below on how to upload your video. If you do not follow them, it will not be displayed properly and you will not have a chance of winning the contest.

Click Here for Instruction on Submitting Video Entries

Please follow the instruction below in order to submit your video entry:

  • Make sure you are logged in
  • Click on the ‘Submit Entry’ link below the red countdown clock (below these instructions) to access the submission form
  • In the first field, add a TITLE for your entry
  • The second field title DESCRIPTION is used to submit the video. For YOUTUBE videos, paste:
    [iframe src=""]

    in the description field where ABCDEF is the video ID. To get the Video ID from Youtube, check the URL of the video and copy the code after the “equal to” symbol. E.g The video ID for is De1KkUDlUcg

  • For VIMEO videos, paste:
    [iframe src=""]

    in the description field where ABCDEF is the video ID. To get the Video ID from Vimeo, check the URL of the video and copy the numbers at the end of the URL. E.g The video ID for is 1084537

  • In the last field, type your name and click the submit button.

Please note that the entry will not be visible until it has been approved by our Administrator.
Thank you and good luck!

Upload your videos on to Scubaverse TV too! Find out how here.


[showcontestants id=5740 postperpage=10 order=ASC orderby=date showtimer=1 showform=1]




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